SCO/386 w/Emulex

Dave Shevett shevett at labii.UUCP
Fri Aug 11 05:17:19 AEST 1989

Ok - that tears it.  Emulex won't help me, Wang doesn't know how to spell
Xenix, and I've got a BIG project due - who dya call?  the NET ANIMALS...

Configuration:  Wang PC/381 - Phoenix bios, 4 meg RAM, 2 42mg drvs
			Emulex DCP/MUXi (8 ports, 128k ram)

Software - Multiview, FoxBase, VP/ix.

The Problem - I have a large application written in Foxbase I want the
whole system to have access to.  Great, things work wonderfully fromt he
console and anyone on tty1a or tty2a - BUT - on any of the DCP mux ports,
there is a 1-1.5 second delay anytime you switch fields.  You can imagine
what a pain it is filling in any reasonably sized form.  All MENU TO
functions work great, and the system seems to hum along fine (except for
BROWSE - dont talk to me about BROWSE)

Is anyone else using this mux board?  Is anyone using it with a Wang
PC/381?  Has anyone had this problem in foxbase?

Thanx etc etc etc

PS - Does anyone know if FoxPro is going to be available for Xenix?

/--------------------+ 'The shortest distance +------------------\
|    Dave Shevett    |  between two puns is a | Labyrinth II BBS |
| shevett at labii.UUCP |  straight line...'     |  W. Trenton, NJ  |
\--------------------+       - Doc Webster    +------------------/

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