SCO Support Problem and Problem for SCO Support

Herb Peyerl root at blender.UUCP
Tue Apr 11 23:10:45 AEST 1989

In article <3274 at udccvax1.acs.udel.EDU>, conan at vax1.acs.udel.EDU (Robert B Carroll) writes:
> In article <208 at berner.UUCP> brian at berner.UUCP (Brian A. Jarvis) writes:
>  ....stuff deleted about SCO support....
> SCO is pretty lacking in customer support. I took them 2 weeks to get
> my problem(a bug in their software that i told them about) to get my
> problem fixed and then the wanted me to mail them an example
> of my code. Here is the sequence:
>          [LENGTHY Description of sequence cut out]

Funny, your sequence of happenings is somewhat identical to the ones WE
always have, some minor differences are: 
	We're a level 2 Retailer and were told to expect hotline service.
	Our problem started before Christmas '88 (though call is dated
		January 9th.)
	Our problem isn't SOLVED yet.
	We have 6 clients who can't use an IBM 6157 tape streamer.
	SCO's solution was for us to buy our clients Archive Tape streamers
		in the meantime.  (hmmmm. At only $1700 a crack)
	SCO closed our first problem number about 2 months ago saying it was
		solved, we're now on our 2nd problem number.
	Scathing messages from our company president to SCO's ANYONE are
		never returned.
	Calls to our EX-sales rep. were rarely returned.

In the mean and between time, spread out across canada are 6 of our clients
with IBM tape streamers sitting in boxes and everynight, our clients backup
about 27 disks of information.  We all know how reliable diskettes are.  SCO
keeps telling us to look forward to a solution soon.  The tape streamers
USED to work in V2.2.1 but don't under 2.2.3.  So, it's either spend 1000's of
dollars sending someone out to each site to install someone ELSE's copy of
2.2.1, or buy everyone Archive/Mountain tape streamers until SCO can get the
problem fixed. Then we have 6 Tape streamers sitting around gathering dust.
Final solution (the one in the works) is to DUMP SCO and get AIX for the PS/2.
We only sell/install 4 SCO Xenix systems a month so we must not be burning
a whole in SCO's pocket and hence aren't getting any service.

   Has anyone actually called someone at SCO and gotten anyone other than
a receptionist?

UUCP: herb at blender.UUCP   ||  ...calgary!xenlink!blender!{herb||root}
ICBM: 51 03 N / 114 05 W
'God knows I told her how much I hate having my feet rubbed with linseed oil!'

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