want pathalias for SCO Xenix 286 v2.2.1

Jay M. Libove root at libove.UUCP
Thu Oct 13 22:46:58 AEST 1988

Okay, since my amazing little crazy problem with pathalias (not)spawning
itself all over my system until it crashes (hangs) due to terminal 

Is anyone currently running pathalias (version 9 or newer) on a SCO Xenix
80286 system, version 2.2.1? Even other versions? There is _NO_ reason
for my pathalias to have started failing like this, but it has, and I'm
not getting updated path files weekly anymore because of it!

Thanks in advance

Jay Libove		ARPA:	jl42 at andrew.cmu.edu or libove at cs.cmu.edu
5731 Centre Ave, Apt 3	BITnet:	jl42 at andrew or jl42 at drycas
Pittsburgh, PA 15206	UUCP:	uunet!nfsun!libove!libove or
(412) 362-8983		UUCP:	psuvax1!pitt!darth!libove!libove

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