Help: Hard disk initialization and XENIX

Every system needs one terry at wsccs.UUCP
Wed Oct 12 14:26:09 AEST 1988

In article <299 at thor.wright.EDU>, cnee at wright.EDU (Cheng-Lee Nee) writes:
> I am trying to install the SCO XENIX system V release 2.1.3 on a PC/XT
                             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^

	How, prithee, are you loading 2.1.3 on an XT (8086)?

	There is a version for the XT (which isn't available anymore;
	I know several people at SCO and myself would like to boot
	it under VP/IX for a grin) but that ain't it.

| Terry Lambert           UUCP: ...{ decvax, ihnp4 } ...utah-cs!century!terry |
| @ Century Software        OR: ...utah-cs!uplherc!sp7040!obie!wsccs!terry    |
| SLC, Utah                                                                   |
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|                   'I have an eight user poetic liscence' - me               |

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