arc 5.21 on SCO Xenix

Jay M. Libove root at libove.UUCP
Mon Oct 3 14:55:05 AEST 1988

I built arc 5.21 on a SCO Xenix 2.2.1 (development system 2.2.1) 80286
system, and though there are no complaints at all during the compile and
link, when I run it...

[root]/src/arc521/work:(1 ) % ./arc
./arc./arc: syntax error at line 1: `)' unexpected
: ^Ke]K3@^^PP0~P0^BP^Z*x?^CD^H^Cz^?t3^KB^G^Vr^W#t^W^KRt^E^NZ#^H^NX3@#^\
 HHH#|8: not found
./arc: ##^B0q#: not found
[root]/src/arc521/work:(2 ) % 

(line ...@#^\ is cut in half by me for mailing purposes, it actually is
connected as @#^HHH ...)

Has anyone gotten arc 5.21 to work on SCO Xenix?

Jay Libove		ARPA:	jl42 at or libove at
5731 Centre Ave, Apt 3	BITnet:	jl42 at andrew or jl42 at drycas
Pittsburgh, PA 15206	UUCP:	uunet!nfsun!libove!libove or
(412) 362-8983		UUCP:	psuvax1!pitt!darth!libove!libove

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