xntp on a Pyramid MIS-12

RAGETH DAVID rageth at spot.Colorado.EDU
Thu May 23 07:18:22 AEST 1991

I have a question about running ntp (Network Time Protocol) on a Pyramid
MIS-12.  I can get ntp (the version 3.4 from University of Maryland) working
fine.  But when trying to get xntp (the version from University of Toronto)
I cannot get the code to work.

Has anyone out there tried to get xntp running on a Pyramid?  If so, what
configurations or modifications did you have to make.

 x           David Rageth               x
  x   email : dave at mmc.com               x
   x   voice : (303)977-4584              x
    x   USMail: Martin Marietta            x
     x           P.O. Box 179 m/s 9570      x
      x          Denver, Colorado            x
       x                           80201      x

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