missing parts of Jargon File & lq-text

Uwe Kallmeyer uwek at yedik.han.de
Sun Mar 10 21:38:52 AEST 1991

It seems, that part 6 of the Jargon File and parts 8 and 9 of the
lq-text Text Retrieval package didn't make it to Germany.

If these files are missing on other sites as well,  it  would  be
nice if some kind soul could repost them.

Thank you
char name[] = "      Uwe Kallmeyer, Wendenring 32, D-3300 Braunschweig      ";
char uucp[] = "            uwek at yedik.han.de || Ph.: 0531-344841            ";
char motl[] = "          Satori is real (unless declared integer).          ";

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