Okay, I give up.

Duke McMullan n5gax ee5391aa at hydra.unm.edu
Tue Nov 20 14:07:46 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov19.193604.10075 at cbnewsc.att.com> dcon at cbnewsc.att.com
(david.r.connet) writes, regarding "You are in a maze of twisty little pass-
ages, all alike,":

>Yup.  I eventually drew a map and discovered there's only 12 (if memory
>serves) rooms.  But, oh, the number of passages...

Ahhhh, yes, the Vending Machine Maze.  Actually, there are eleven rooms, with
the topology (almost!) of an 11-point, fully connected graph.  Note that there
are ten passages from each room: n, s, e, w, ne, nw, se, sw, up & down.

Now, imagine eleven rooms, each connected by one of those passages to each of
the other ten.  Now, pick one passage at random.  Break it in two, and connect
one of the half-passages to the vending maching room, and the other to the...
I guess it was one end of the Long Hall...it's a little dim.  But, that _is_
the topology of that particular maze.

There are other mazes, depending on your version of Adventure.  They all have
the Pirates Maze,  which follows no easily described pattern.  Some versions
will have the Ice Maze, which follows a _very_ definite pattern.  If you don't
discover that pattern, you'll die there.  There's also a maze where "You are
in a maze of twisty little passages, all different."  Is that the Ice Maze?

Shouldn't this get moved to rec.games before someone starts complaining?  ;^)


		"I purr, therefore I am."     -- Rene Decates
      Duke McMullan n5gax nss13429r phon505-255-4642 ee5391aa at hydra.unm.edu

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